Duration 37:55

Asp net MVC Full CRUD Operation Using Entity Framework Code First

Published 21 Aug 2021

The ADO.NET Entity Framework is an Object Relational Mapper (ORM) included with the .NET framework. It basically generates business objects and entities according to the database tables. It provides basic CRUD operations, easily managing relationships among entities with the ability to have an inheritance relationship among entities. When using the EF we interact with an entity model instead of the application's relational database model. This abstraction allows us to focus on business behavior and the relationships among entities. We use the Entity Framework data context to perform queries. When one of the CRUD operations is invoked, the Entity Framework will generate the necessary SQL to perform the operation. To create this application we should have a basic knowledge of the DbContext class of the System. Data. Entity namespace. We should also be familiar with views because in this article I am not describing views for each action method so you can create a view according to action methods or you can scaffold templates to create a view for Edit, List, Create, Delete and Details. We need to install the Entity Framework Nuget package in our application. When we install the Entity Framework Nuget package, two references (System.Data.Entity and EntityFramework) are added to our application. Thereafter we can perform CRUD operations using Entity Framework. ------------------------------------------------------- #ZulhasItSsoft#


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